Thursday, October 14, 2021




 I'm Mim, the organizer and solo runner of Cat Can. Most of my fanwork around the internet has been in the game mod niche, from small to large scale projects. A few of mine have even been featured by developers. I've now decided to try my hand at fansubbing.


I'm mostly into old anime, typically circa 2000 or earlier. There are several that I would like to see subbed and have decided to take on the task myself rather than waiting. I also have a few subbing projects in the works for previously subbed anime that could use some updating to modern practices and some (proper, gently done) localization instead of requiring paragraphs of reading before and during an episode to understand what the hell is going on.


I'll also be uploading a few of my other preservation and translation projects here that fall adjacent to the anime category, such as defunct asian culture magazines, some scanlations, and live action shows/films from asia.


I'm not currently accepting requests at this time, though I'm always open to suggestions. I have extremely niche interests and despite an anime being in a similar genre doesn't mean I'll be interested enough to enjoy it. I have taste, but it's highly specific and probably terrible. Feel free to shoot a message anyway.


Happy watching.